Monday, November 4, 2013

Location x 3: Lake Keowee

(I didn’t feel like typing out “location” three times for a post title. Hey, it’s my first day off work. I have a right to be a little lazy.)

I have this urge to write short stories. I want to complete another project before the year is out. But I know better than to set aside one project and hop on to another, especially if the first project is a novel. That’s not wise, and it leaves a trail of unfinished work. And it makes for an unhappy writer.

So I’m patiently scouring the internet for resources, giving myself little treats in the form of photos. Building up a location is one of the best aspects of planning a story. I’ve always enjoyed looking for photos of the places I want to use as settings, especially if they’re familiar and dear to my heart. Lake Keowee is one of those places.

I have family in what real estate pros like to call the Golden Corner of South Carolina. The Corner is a haven for the rich and wealthy. But for common people like my extended family, it’s been home for generations.

Lake Keowee is a popular summer destination. For years, my relatives have used it for camping, cookouts, and late-night get-togethers. Lining the edges of the distant shores are some of the most luxurious houses and mansions I’d ever seen.

(The following pictures are copyright to their respective owners. I intend no harm in using them for inspiration. They won’t be appearing in my novel.)


(The Reserve at Lake Keowee)


(The Reserve at Lake Keowee)

Lake Keowee 00020-1

Lake Keowee 00020-3

(Design Elite Architecture)


(Stoneledge Lake Keowee Waterfront Homes)

The last photo is what I have in mind for my hero and heroine’s homes, only the buildings won’t be so close together. Just close enough for someone to accidentally catch someone in the window. *wink wink*

The other photos might serve as inspiration for a clubhouse or lodge. My story takes place from summer to winter, and I can see a giant gathering place in the main building being decorated for harvest and Christmas.

Should I divulge the novel’s title? I think I should, even though the book is probably a year away from being finished. All right, ready? Here we go: The Naked Author.

Have fun wondering what the plot is about!